Utilization of Social Media in Government Transformation in the Digital Era


  • Alya Fauziah uin sunan gunung djati bandung
  • Kamal Nugraha
  • Davina Fitri Nuraini
  • Luthfiyah Ramadhani
  • Dimas Eka Pratama Maulana




Digital Transformation, Social Media, Communication, E-Governance


Digital transformation in governance has become a global trend that disrupts various aspects of life, including
government management. Social media has emerged as a crucial innovation tool in this transformation,
enabling direct interaction between the government and the public, as well as the rapid and widespread
dissemination of information. This study aims to explore how social media is utilized to support government
transformation in the digital era. We employed a literature review method to analyze and synthesize
information from various credible sources. Our findings indicate that social media plays a significant role in
enhancing transparency, public participation, and communication between the government and society.
Additionally, social media can be used as a tool to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of government
services. However, this research also identifies several challenges associated with the use of social media in
governance, such as the risk of misinformation, data misuse, and ineffective communication management.
Therefore, appropriate strategies are needed to optimize the use of social media as an integral part of digital
transformation in governance. By understanding the role of social media in this context, it is hoped that more
strategic and effective models for utilizing social media can be developed to enhance government performance
and strengthen relationships with the public. This study also aims to contribute to the development of theories
and practices related to digital transformation in governance.


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